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Cheat Chaser - Cheat Codes for Classic Gaming Platforms



The following dongle-dependent codes are designed for use with the European & Australian (PAL) versions of the game:

Master Code (Must Be On - see notes)F6000914 C305
B6002800 0000
Unlimited Lives (player 1)360C019E 0900
Unlimited Time160C0B62 5500
Unlimited Bombs (player 1)360D5ACF 0900
Large Explosions (player 1)360D5AC5 0009
Linkbombs + May Kick Bombs (player 1)360D5AD0 00FF
360D5AE0 00FF
Rock Cutting Bomb Type (player 1)360D5AD1 0006
Detonator Bomb Type (player 1)360D5AD1 0007
Power Bomb Bomb Type (player 1)360D5AD1 0008
Large Bomberman (player 1)360D5AD7 00FF
Small Bomberman (player 1)360D5AD7 00FF
Unlimited Bombs (player 2)360D5B4A 000F
Large Explosions (player 2)360D5B41 000F
Linkbombs + May Kick Bombs (player 2)360D5B4C 00FF
Rock Cutting Bomb Type (player 2)360D5B4D 0006
Detonator Bomb Type (player 2)360D5B4D 0007
Power Bomb Bomb Type (player 2)360D5B4D 0008
Large Bomberman (player 2)360D5B53 00FF
Small Bomberman (player 2)360D5B53 00FF

Notes: Some of these codes have been known to freeze the animation sequences, calling for an untimely reset. In order to prevent this from happneing, immediately skip those sequences. Unless otherwise specified, most of these codes affect player one only. Also, only one 'bomb type' code may be enabled at any one time.

The following are designed for use with the Japanese (NTSC) version of the game:

Master Code (Must Be On)F6000924 C305
B6002800 0000
Unlimited Time160C1D3A 1C20
Unlimited Bombs (player 1)160D6C36 0009
Unlimited Flames (player 1)160D6C2C 0009
Unlimited Rollers (player 1)160D6C02 E000
Unlimited Lives - Normal Game (player 1)160C1376 0900
Unlimited Hearts - Master Game (player 1)360D6BFF 0009
All Characters in Battle Mode160C1D7A 0010

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