CART FURY: CHAMPIONSHIP RACING INFINITE CONTINUES Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock Infinite Continues: L1, L2, L1, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE. Infinite continues may also be selected through the Cheat menu after successfully completing Season mode. UNLOCK JUMP Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock Jump: L1, L2, L1, R2, X, X. The Jump option may also be manually selected from the Cheat menu once you have successfully completed Last Man Standing. INFINITE TURBO Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to have infinite Turbo: X, X, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, L2. ACTIVATE THE FOG Go to the Options screen and find the Cheats menu. At the menu, enter R2, R1, X, SQUARE, SQUARE, CIRCLE. This will enable the Fog Cheat. Toggle it on and off at the bottom of the page. ACTIVATE LOW GRAVITY Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock Low Gravity Mode: R2, R1, SQUARE, SQUARE, L1, L1. UNLIMITED TIME Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to switch on unlimited time: SQUARE, L1, R2, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, R1. UNLOCK ALL CARS Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock all cars: TRIANGLE, X, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, L2, TRIANGLE. UNLOCK ALL MOVIES Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock all of the FMV sequences available: L1, CIRCLE, R2, X, L2, TRIANGLE. DRIVING 101 MOVIE SEQUENCE Successfully complete all Driving 101 options to unlock the Driving 101 FMV sequence. UNLOCK ALL TRACKS Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock all of the tracks in the game: R1, TRIANGLE, X, X, R2, L1. UNLOCK BIG HEAD MODE Go to the Options screen and find the Cheats menu. At the menu, enter TRIANGLE, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, L1, R2. This will enable Big Head Mode. Toggle it on and off at the bottom of the page. UNLOCK DEATH CARS At the Cheats menu, enter the following code to unlock Death Cars: L1, SQUARE, R1, R2, L2, L1. UNLOCK OPPONENT DEATH CARS Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock your opponent's Death Cars: L2, SQUARE, L1, R2, R2, X. UNLOCK DEATH WALL Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock the Death Wall: X, SQUARE, R2, TRIANGLE, R1, R2. UNLOCK NIGHT DRIVE Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock Night Drive mode: X, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, L2, R2, L1. UNLOCK PLAYER DEATH CAR Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to unlock the playable Death Car: L1, SQUARE, R1, R2, L2, L1. UNLOCK ROCKET WHEELS Enter the following code at the Cheats menu to make your car have rocket wheels: L1, R2, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE. HIDDEN DRIVERS AND CARS At the driver selection screen, press R1 to get more drivers (developers) or L1 to get more cars (Hotrod, Soapbox, etc.). THICK FOG AND NEW YORK TRACK Successfully complete Demolition mode on the easy, medium, and hard difficulty settings to unlock the thick fog and New York track options at the Cheat menu. ROCKET WHEELS AND BOSTON BIG DIG TRACK Successfully complete Block Your Opponent mode on the easy, medium, and hard difficulty settings to unlock the rocket wheels and Boston Big Dig track options at the Cheat menu. NO TIME OUT AND MOON TRACK Successfully complete Time Trial mode on the easy, medium, and hard difficulty settings to unlock the no time out and Moon track options at the Cheat menu. NIGHT DRIVE AND ALPINE RACEWAY TRACK Successfully complete Lock-on mode on the easy, medium, and hard difficulty settings to unlock the night drive and Alpine Raceway track options at the Cheat menu. DEATH CAR AND MIAMI TRACK Successfully complete Simulation mode to unlock the Death car and Miami track options at the cheat menu.
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