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Cheat Chaser - Cheat Codes for Classic Gaming Platforms


GameShark / Pro Action Replay Cheat Codes:

The following dongle-dependent codes are designed for use with the North American (NTSC) version of the game, but may work on compatible systems:

Big Wave Mode8010d8280005
Chicken Mode800ab0180001
Enable Amazon800a86cc0001
Enable Bayou800a86c20001
Enable Bermuda Triangle800a86d00001
Enable Hong Kong800a86c00001
Enable Loch Ness800a86c60001
Enable Log Ride800a86ce0001
Infinite Flamethrower (player 1)801131f8000f
Infinite Flamethrower (player 2)801133bc000f
Infinite Grenades (player 1)801131f4000f
Infinite Grenades (player 2)801133b8000f
Infinite Health (player 1)801132640078
Infinite Health (player 2)80113428ffff
Infinite Heat Seekers (player 1)801131ec000f
Infinite Heat Seekers (player 2)801133b0000f
Infinite Inviso Ray (player 1)80113210000f
Infinite Inviso Ray (player 2)801133d4000f
Infinite Lightning (player 1)801131fc000f
Infinite Lightning (player 2)801133c0000f
Infinite Mines (player 1)80113204000f
Infinite Mines (player 2)801133c8000f
Infinite Nitros (player 2)8011339c0001
Infinite Oil Slicks (player 1)80113208000f
Infinite Oil Slicks (player 2)801133cc000f
Infinite Rockets (player 1)801131e8000f
Infinite Rockets (player 2)801133ac000f
Infinite Shields (player 1)80113214000f
Infinite Shields (player 2)801133d8000f
Infinite Shockwaves (player 1)8011320c000f
Infinite Shockwaves (player 2)801133d0000f
Infinite Skip Discs (player 1)80113200000f
Infinite Skip Discs (player 2)801133c4000f
Infinite Superbombs (player 1)80113348002e
Infinite Superbombs (player 2)801135dc0036
Infinite Torpedoes (player 1)80113348002e
Infinite Torpedoes (player 2)801135dc0036
Maximum Points - Tournament Mode8011504800ff
RC Boat Mode800ab0100001

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