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Cheat Chaser - Cheat Codes for Classic Gaming Platforms


CHEAT CODES (Full Version)

Type iamcheater (or iwillcheat on patched version 1.1) while on any opening screen or menu to activate the cheat mode. Then, enter any of the following codes during gameplay. If entered correctly, you should hear a clicking sound to verify that the code is active.

quickloadLoad saved game
nohitsGod mode
cantdieGod mode
goodhealthMaximum health
openalldoorOpen all doors
allitemsAll items available
alllootAll items available
killthemallKills all enemies
showtheendShow FMV from the game's ending
gamedoneSuccessfully complete current mission
gamefailFail current mission
resurrectBring team members back to life
funnyheadBig head mode
enemyfView enemy
enemybEnemy view from behind
debugdrawvolumesBasic shade mode
debugdrawwireWireframe view
playercoordsShows your current position
laracroftAlternate uniforms (main player dressed in drag to look like Tomb Raider's Lara)

CHEAT CODES (Demo Version)

After the initial animation, you will be prompted with a screen asking you to select your campaign. Type unlockcheatmode while on this screen to activate the cheat mode. Then, enter any of the following codes during gameplay. If entered correctly, you should hear a clicking sound to verify that the code is active.

zombieCome back as a zombie after death
bigheadBig head mode
killthemallKills all enemies
showtheendShow FMV from the game's ending
missiondoneSuccessfully complete current mission
missionfailFail current mission
openalldoorOpen all doors
allammoGives you all weapons and ammo
enemylookfView enemy
enemylookbEnemy view from behind
playercoordsShows your current position
laracroftAlternate uniforms (main player dressed in drag to look like Tomb Raider's Lara)


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