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Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (PC)--> Buy this game at Amazon.com <-- Game Review & DescriptionStep into the rich, dualistic world of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, where steam-powered contraptions clash with arcane mysteries, and every decision shapes the fate of the realm. This classic RPG masterfully blends Victorian steampunk aesthetics with traditional fantasy elements, creating a unique setting where orcs in top hats and elven sorcerers navigate the complexities of a society on the brink of technological revolution. At the heart of Arcanum is its deep and flexible character creation system, allowing you to sculpt your hero (or anti-hero) with unparalleled freedom. Whether you prefer wielding powerful spells, engineering intricate gadgets, or simply charming your way through conversations, the game caters to a wide array of playstyles. The choices you make, from your character's background to their skills and allegiances, ripple throughout the game, influencing everything from how NPCs interact with you to the ultimate outcome of your journey. Graphically, Arcanum might not boast the polish of modern titles, but its hand-drawn art and isometric perspective exude a nostalgic charm. The environments are richly detailed, from the bustling industrial cities belching smoke into the sky, to the serene, untouched forests where magic reigns supreme. The soundtrack, a haunting blend of orchestral and ambient pieces, perfectly complements the game's atmosphere, drawing you deeper into its complex world. Gameplay in Arcanum is a balancing act between combat, exploration, and dialogue. The turn-based combat system offers tactical depth, requiring careful management of resources and abilities. However, it's the narrative and world-building that truly shine. The story is filled with political intrigue, moral dilemmas, and a cast of memorable characters, each with their own motivations and secrets. Quests often have multiple solutions, rewarding creative thinking and encouraging replayability. The magic of Arcanum lies in its attention to detail and its willingness to let players shape their own path. Whether you're negotiating peace between warring factions, delving into ancient ruins for forgotten knowledge, or simply enjoying a quiet moment in a quaint village, every moment feels meaningful. It's a world teetering on the edge of change, and your actions will determine whether it embraces progress or clings to tradition. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura offers an experience that’s as rich and complex as the world it presents. Its intricate blend of steampunk and fantasy elements, combined with deep role-playing mechanics, creates a game that’s both challenging and rewarding. For those who enjoy rich narratives, complex character development, and a world where every choice matters, Arcanum is a journey worth embarking on. Arcanum Thief Guide and FAQAuthor Mochan (who may be reached via email at mosquiton@crosswinds.net) has created a detailed guide to living a rogue's life within the Arcanum universe. So all of you who have pick-pocketing tendencies may feel free to steal some juicy knowledge from below: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura "So You Want to be a Thief" FAQ v.02 ---------------------------------------------- by Mochan (mosquiton@crosswinds.net) Created 7-7-2001 last modified 7-7-2001 =============================================================================== Best viewed on a text processor with a fixed size font, width of 79 characters. =============================================================================== MISSION STATEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I want to be a thief." (Say this out loud 10 times every morning) =============================================================================== E-MAIL POLICY ******* IMPORTANT! READ THIS BEFORE E-MAILING ME ANYTHING ******* I welcome comments, suggestions, contributions, and I enjoy the occasional flame. However, if you are to mail me anything I require you to put this in the subject tag: [Arcanum FAQ] This will help me sort my mail better. Thanks for your consideration. =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Playing the Thief Way 2. Building you Character 3. Thieving Technicalities 4. Thief Skill Trainers 5. Thieving Secrets DISCLAIMER LEGALESE ADDENDUM =============================================================================== 1. Playing the Thief Way =============================================================================== Playing a thief in Arcanum usually means tackling quests in a different way from usual. There are basically 4 ways to play the game: as a brute force fighter, a sly talker, a tech/mage warrior, or a thief. The difference is mainly in the approach you take to solve a quest or problem. The most common type of problem is getting past a particular point. Many quests require you to talk to person, who gives you a task to do, and you'll only get past after that task is accomplished. Fighters or talkers typically do this in the straightforward fashion by accomplishing the task set out for them. Tech/Mage types typically use a combination of the fight/talk method, the main difference being that instead of swinging a weapon mindlessly they use their intellect skills to augment the fight (such as by using guns or attack magic). The thief, however, often takes a different approach. Usually being weaker in terms of fighting, and not particularly good at speech, the standard thief method of getting past a problem requires subterfuge. This usually means bypassing the task altogether and finding another way around. For instance, take a door that is locked. The guard will open it only once you accomplish some task, say killing a bunch of enemies. A fighter will just kill the enemies, and the guard will open the door. A talker might try to convince the guard to open it anyway, or get the guard to give him another easier task. The thief, though, will likely steal the key from the guard to open the door. This is what I mean by the art of subterfuge. To get the best out of your thieving character, you should strive to play the thieving way. Arcanum is a "role playing" game after all, and I can assure you you will be enjoying yourself more if you "play your role" correctly. As a thief, your role is to use subterfuge; be elegant and precise where others would be bungling and violent. You'll enjoy yourself more. Believe me. =============================================================================== 2. Building your Character =============================================================================== Important Attributes: --------------------- Dexterity - this is your number one stat. Most of your thiefly activities require this attribute. I suggest you start off with a dexterity of 10 or so. More is better. Perception - You'll need this for sneaking around. Start off with at least 8. Intelligence - thieves should be smart too, you know. I consider 5 to be the absolute minimum for a thief's intelligence. You need at least that much to get all the dialogue options needed for a fun thieving experience. Important Skills: ----------------- Prowl (Per) - for sneaking around leaving enemies unaware Pick Locks (Dex) - for opening those locked doors and treasure chests Pick Pockets (Dex) - for making other people's things your own Make sure that you have lock picking skill at the start of the game. This is because lock picking is easily the most vital skill for you to survive early on. Since you'll be focusing on thief skills, your combat potential will be far weaker, and as such you need to compensate by getting good items from the shops early on. Lock picking is vital to getting these items. Also, starting out with lockpicks gives you a free set of crude lockpicks at the start. However, you can also either buy a lockpick from the starting shop (not a good idea) or open the crate behind some tarpulin/wing wreckage at the crash site directly to your right for some free lockpicks (better idea). Setting up your Character: ------------------------- MAGIC OR TECHNOLOGY? I'm not sure which path is the better one for a thief to take. I think the beauty of being a thief is that you can be either magical or technological. I'll just say this: there's a lot of magical stuff to steal in this game. More on this later, when I've played more of the game. WHAT RACE? Traditionally, the best thieves are halflings. They have bonuses for your prime requisite -- dexterity -- and they are small and tiny, making prowling and picking pockets easier. Myself, though, I didn't want to be some half-pint so I decided to play a human. (I would have chosen elf, but I was playing a techno-thief. In the future I'll choose elf for magic thief). WHAT BACKGROUND? The best backgrounds for a Thief character would likely be Arsonist, Feral Child, or maybe Pit Fighter. I think you can also be very effective as a pretty or charismatic thief, in which case Model/Lady's Man or Charlatan would be great choices. I was also planning to use Sold My Soul but that's for magicians, and I wanted to be a techie. HOW TO DISTRIBUTE POINTS I would suggest putting points into your dexterity and perception, but not too much. I think you should concentrate on the more important stats to make your life easier: Pick Pockets and Lock Picking. Be sure to put maybe a point or two into Melee -- the reason is that in combat experience is given according to how much you hit your enemy, and if you don't have melee skill it will be tough to hit enemies, thus giving you less experience points. Invest in some fighting skills early so you can level up faster. Alright, that should get you started off in the world of Arcanum. Now, I will discuss some things about the thieving profession. =============================================================================== 3. Thieving Technicalities =============================================================================== PROWLING -------- When you activate the prowling skill, all NPCs on the screen will have an awareness level of your presence. The levels are: Safe, Risky, Dangerous, Perilous, and Aware. You can basically get away with sneaking around a person if it is Safe or Risky. If it becomes Dangerous, chances are the person will shift to Aware in a few seconds, especially if your prowl skill is low. Perilous, you should only get this close if the NPC is asleep. If an NPC is sleeping, apparently the NPC will not wake-up unless you try to do a pick pocket and fail. This is especially useful when sneaking into shops at night to steal some goodies. The higher your Prowl skill, the closer you can get to an NPC without him becoming aware. Most NPCs also have less visibility in darkness, so try to do your sneaking at night. Q: How do I douse a torch or lantern? A: Sorry, I don't know yet. I don't think it matters, though. Also, what you wear has a big effect on your prowling percentage. Noise is a factor in prowling, and most armors have an NP (Noise Penalty) rating which impairs or aids your skulking around. For instance, Bronze Plate has a NP of -50%, which really makes it unsuitable for thieves prowling around. Leather Armor is only -10%. Some items actually help you sneak, like the Elven Boots which give a +10% chance. Take note that, depending on whether you are tech or magical, some items may or may not give you their bonuses. For instance, if you are highly technical, Elven Boots (which are magical) will not give you the sneak bonus. PICKING LOCKS ------------- Picking a lock can result in three things: you are successful, in which case the lock will open, you fail, and the lock is as is, or you mess up, in which case the lock is jammed and it cannot be opened. Also attempting to pick locked objects under guard will result in the guard getting angry at you. See Breaking In. Q: If I jam a lock can I open it later? A: I've tested it out, and it seems that if you jam a lock now, you can come back later and it will revert to normal Locked status. I have not determined whether this is true for all locks, though. BREAKING-IN ----------- I define "breaking-in" as getting into a room that you're not supposed to be in. This usually refers to locked houses or establishments at night, the backroom of a merchant shop (where the goodies are usually kept), and similar areas. Now, as far as I can tell, there is no specific area designation for a room that is off-limits. The only way NPCs check where you can or can't go, is through the entrance to that room -- a door or window. If you try to enter a backroom for instance, you will likely try to go through the locked door. If you hack, fiddle, pick the lock, or otherwise try to gain unlawful entry, anyone who sees you will get mad, and their reaction towards you will go down (probably to Suspicious) and they will tell you to leave it alone (or else). If you are in Prowl mode, however, and the guard is not aware of you (Safe or Risky or Perilous, but not AWARE!!) you can attempt to pick the lock without them reprimanding you. A weird thing, though: if you happen to have the key to the door, you can open it and walk through without drawing the ire of the guards, even if you do it right in their face, even though you're not supposed to have access to that door! And of course, the best way to get the key to someplace you're off-limits, is to steal it from the guard. PICK POCKETS ------------ Like lock-picking, picking pockets can result in three things. You succeed, in which case you are happy, you fail, in which case you try again, or you bungle up, in which case whoever you were trying to steal from will have noticed and will be so pissed-off that he wants to spill your guts. Exercise caution. Of course, the higher your pick pockets skill, the less likely you are to fail or mess up. It also helps if you try to do the action from behind your target, and it's easier to pick pocket someone who is bigger than you are (inverse is true, it is harder to steal from small people). It also seems to be easier to steal from someone if they are "unaware" of your presence (i.e. -- you are in prowl mode and they are not AWARE!!! of you). Note: you can also use this skill to "plant" items on a target, and not just take things. I have not found an instance in the game where this can be of use, though I suspect you can frame people with this ability in certain quests. Q: Can I plant lit dynamite onto a person and not have him notice? A: I've tried this stunt and so far I haven't managed to succeed. I'll keep trying, though! =============================================================================== 4. Thief Skill Trainers =============================================================================== Here is a list of trainers for the thieving arts. As of the moment it's still VERY incomplete, give me some time to find all the expert and master trainers. Take note that this list is not and will never be definitive; apprentice training is available practically anywhere. I'll only list the easiest, most convenient apprentice trainers. Experts are harder to find, though, typically there are only two or so areas to find expert training, and there is only one master for all skills (to my knowledge). Pick Locks ---------- Apprentice Expert - Garret Almstead in Ashbury (Blacksmith) Master - JT Morgan in Caladon (Prison) Pick Pockets ------------ Apprentice Expert Master Prowling -------- Apprentice Expert Master Disarm Traps ------------ Apprentice Expert Master Spot Traps ---------- Apprentice - most human guards anywhere Expert Master Backstab -------- Apprentice - Magick Shop Clerk of Barach's Magerium in Tarant Expert Master *NOTE: Feel free to write in and contribute some of the harder to find trainers. I'm still busy playing the game and enjoying, so sometimes I forget some details. Anyway, I hope to fill out this list soon so don't worry. =============================================================================== 5. Thieving Secrets =============================================================================== Here is a bug in the game which you can exploit to be a "cheap-ass thief." For a definition of "cheap ass," please refer to my Evil Summoner FAQ (also available at GameFAQs!) In the town of Tarant, go to Madam Lil's brothel (the one with four ladies in their underwear). Ask her about a night with her girls, and she'll tell you they cost 100 gold a pop. Ask her for less expensive options, and she'll give you a quest to find a ruby necklace. It is with the maid at the house she mentions. Finish the quest, and go back to Madam Lil for your reward (ahem). Afterwards ask her for more work, and she'll tell you about Mr. Langley, a patron with outstanding accounts. She'll ask you to collect 400 gold from him. He's the gnome doorman in front of the inn. Now, follow these dialogue options: (I'll put in the exact wording later) "Madam Lil sent me to speak with you." "Yeah... I know what you mean. But she wants her 400 coin." "[menacing] Listen mister... she wants what is due her... now!" "I don't trust you, Langley." "It will have to do. [You take the coin] I'll be back for the rest." He'll offer to give you half the gold (200) and tell you to come back five days later for the rest of it. After this series of dialogues, you'll be 200 gold richer. Now here's the fun part. Talk to him again and follow the same options. He will give you 200 gold again, and tell you to wait five days again! That liar, he's loaded! Do it again, and again, and again... and you'll be a millionaire. The best part is, you can come back to him a month later and he'll still say the same thing and you can still get 200 gold. So effectively, you have unlimited gold forever! The only drawback I see is that you can't complete this quest and get other jobs from Madam Lil. But WHO CARES! You've got unlimited gold! That's way better than anything Lil and her "customer service" workers can offer you! Q: If I am a moron with less than 5 intelligence, will this work? A: I do not know. Haven't tried it yet. It's possible that with less intelligence the proper dialogue options won't be possible. =============================================================================== DISCLAIMER =============================================================================== This is the initial version of this FAQ. Give me some weeks to flesh it out thoroughly to be a complete thieving guide. This guide is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or people is purely coincidental. Do not attempt to do these things in real life. =============================================================================== LEGALESE =============================================================================== If you are constantly reading the legal information of FAQs looking for new jokes, get a life! There's nothing to see here! This FAQ is copyrighted by me. Whatever that means. I hold all rights to it. But since I'm teaching you all to be thieves, I think it would be hypocritical of me to say "don't rip me off." But I'll say it anyway. Please don't rip me off. Thank you. You may display this FAQ on your website, refer to it in your own work, you may even use it as a base to write your own FAQ. Go ahead. Just give credit where it's due. =============================================================================== ADDENDUM =============================================================================== As far as I know, this is the first Arcanum FAQ to be posted. Since I still have not played enough of the game to make a full-blown FAQ/walkthrough, I will concentrate on my favorite kind of character -- the thief. I've only been playing Arcanum for a couple of hours at the moment, and I haven't gotten very far. But I've tried to explore as much about thieving as I possibly can. Expect more updates to this document in the near future. I'm aiming to complete all major portions of this FAQ before Arcanum is even released in the US! ^_^ After I get more downtime with Arcanum, I might make a true FAQ/Walkthrough. But I doubt that I will be able to do that before the game is released in the US. <-- More Cheat Codes for PC Games |
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