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Cheat Chaser - Cheat Codes for Classic Gaming Platforms



The following dongle-dependent codes are designed for use with the North American (NTSC) version of the game, but may function with compatible systems sourced from other regions:

Start With 2 Lives028-498-E66
Start With 5 Lives058-498-E66
Start With 7 Lives078-498-E66
Unlimited Lives00A-57A-E6E
Unlimited Special Items004-758-19E
Start With 2 Energy Units On 1st Life028-4E8-C42
Start With 6 Energy Units On 1st Life068-4E8-C42
Start With 8 Energy Units On 1st Life088-4E8-C42
Start With 2 Energy Units After 1st Life02B-33A-C42
Start With 4 Energy Units After 1st Life04B-33A-C42
Start With 8 Energy Units After 1st Life08B-33A-C42
Start With 3 Special Items On 1st Life038-538-E6E
Start With 3 Special Items After 1st Life03B-38A-E6E
Start With 6 Special Items After 1st Life06B-38A-E6E
Start With 9 Special Items After 1st Life09B-38A-E6E

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