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Raid Over Moscow - C64 Game Cheats

Game Review & Description

Raid Over Moscow, on the Commodore 64, feels like someone took the Cold War, added spaceships, and decided it would make a great video game. And you know what? They were absolutely right. This game throws you into the cockpit of a space fighter with a mission that's as straightforward as it is implausible: prevent a nuclear apocalypse by taking the battle to the heart of the Soviet Union. It's like Dr. Strangelove met Space Invaders, shook hands, and decided to collaborate on a project.

As you launch from your orbital station (because why not?), you're immediately thrust into a frenetic battle against Soviet defenses, ranging from anti-aircraft guns to... well, more anti-aircraft guns, but they're really determined. The game's graphics are a vibrant showcase of what the Commodore 64 could do, painting the Iron Curtain not in shades of gray, but in the full palette of 8-bit color. Each stage of the game introduces new challenges, from dodging ground fire to navigating through the Kremlin's surprisingly spacious interior.

The sound design deserves a medal of honor. Every laser blast, explosion, and inevitable crash landing is rendered in glorious chiptune, providing a soundtrack that's as adrenaline-pumping as the gameplay. It's like the composers looked at the concept of "tense Cold War standoff" and thought, "Yeah, we can make that bop."

Gameplay in Raid Over Moscow is divided into distinct stages, each offering a different type of challenge. You'll start with a space shuttle launch that's more intense than your average NASA liftoff, followed by a series of increasingly difficult missions that will test your flying, shooting, and strategic planning skills. It's a decathlon of Cold War-themed arcade action, and you're competing for the highest stakes imaginable: the survival of the planet.

Raid Over Moscow is an 8-bit thrill ride through an alternate history where the space race and the arms race collided head-on. It's a game that's as absurd as it is entertaining, offering a unique blend of arcade action and strategic gameplay. So grab your joystick, comrade, and prepare for liftoff. The fate of the world is in your hands, and there's no time to waste. Just remember, in the high-stakes world of Raid Over Moscow, it's always better to be the hunter than the hunted.

Raid Over Moscow Tips and Tricks

For those intrepid pilots ready to don their virtual flight suits and dive into the fray, here are a few tips to help you save the world in Raid Over Moscow:

  1. Learn to Love the Brake: Speed is not always your friend. Learning when to slow down can make dodging enemy fire and navigating tight spaces much easier.
  2. Master Each Stage: Each part of the game requires a different skill set. Practice each stage independently to get a feel for the challenges it presents.
  3. Aim Carefully: Ammunition is limited, especially in later stages. Make each shot count by aiming carefully and conserving ammo for when you really need it.
  4. Watch Your Fuel: Just like in real life, your spacecraft doesn't run on good intentions. Keep an eye on your fuel gauge, and make sure you're not caught empty-handed.

Infinite Lives (AR)

After loading the game, hit the left button on your Action Replay (or similar) reset cartridge and select "E" from the menu. Then, enter POKE 11324,173 to gain unlimited lives! Hit Return and F3 (or enter SYS2178 if yours is not an AR cart) to return to the game.

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