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R-Type - C64 Game Cheats

Game Review & Description

As an aside, your humble Cheat Chaser editor - Joshua Smith - held an international record for this game on the C64. You can imagine how much gameplay time fed into that little achievement.

For those who haven't yet experienced the joy, R-Type on the Commodore 64 is like a rollercoaster ride through space that you're not entirely sure is up to code, but you're too excited to care. This port of the classic arcade shooter manages to cram all the high-speed action, intricate level design, and boss battles that look like they were ripped straight from your nightmares into the C64's charmingly limited hardware. It's an impressive feat, akin to fitting an elephant into a Mini Cooper; it shouldn't work as well as it does, but here we are.

As you pilot your R-9 spacecraft through the eight levels of biomechanical hell, you're tasked with one simple goal: blast everything that moves and a few things that don't, just to be safe. The game is a symphony of pixelated destruction, with waves of enemies that require both quick reflexes and strategic thinking to overcome. It's like playing chess, if the chess pieces were trying to kill you and you had a laser cannon.

The graphics in R-Type are a testament to the Commodore 64's capabilities, with detailed sprites and backgrounds that bring the game's sci-fi aesthetic to life. The enemy design is particularly noteworthy, featuring creatures that look like they've been plucked from the darkest corners of the galaxy (or at least the darkest corners of the game designer's imagination). The soundtrack, meanwhile, provides a pulse-pounding backdrop to the action, ensuring your adrenaline is pumping as fast as your trigger finger.

But R-Type isn't just a test of your shooting skills; it's a strategic puzzle. Knowing when to charge your weapon, when to deploy your detachable Force unit, and how to navigate the game's treacherous environments are all crucial to your success. It's a game that rewards patience and practice, and punishes hubris with a swift return to the start screen.

R-Type on the Commodore 64 is a shining example of what can be achieved when you push the hardware to its limits. It's a game that's as rewarding as it is challenging, offering a space adventure that's both visually and mechanically engaging. So buckle up, charge your lasers, and get ready to dive into one of the most iconic shooters the C64 has to offer. Just remember, in the world of R-Type, the only easy day was yesterday.

R-Type Tips and Tricks

For those brave pilots ready to take on the Bydo Empire and save the universe, here are a few tips and tricks to help you on your way in R-Type:

  1. Master the Force: Your detachable Force unit is your best friend. Learn how it works, and use it both as a shield and a weapon. Positioning it correctly can be the difference between life and death.
  2. Charge Shots Are Key: The charged shot is one of your most powerful tools. Use it wisely to clear out tough enemies and break through barriers.
  3. Learn Enemy Patterns: Each enemy type has a specific behavior pattern. Memorize these to anticipate their moves and find the best way to counter them.
  4. Use Your Speed: Adjusting your ship's speed is crucial for navigating tight spaces and dodging enemy fire. Don't forget you have this ability at your disposal.

Unlimited Lives (AR)

After loading the game, hit the left button on your Action Replay (or similar) reset cartridge and select "E" from the menu. Then, enter POKE 13054,173, followed by POKE 13140,173 to gain access to an unlimited supply of lives. Hit Return and F3 to return to the game.

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